Utility Management and Utility Compliance Software

NERC Compliance Solution Components
Compliance Management
Manage ICP’s, processes and evidence; monitor and prove compliance
Designed to ensure you stay in compliance. From Handling Evidence, performing Automatic Gap Analysis, Living RSAW's, to Audit Preparation, iComply 4.5 is the most powerful and intuitive NERC Compliance software solution. Sold in Basic and Premium Packages.
PRC-005 Management
Maintenance scheduling, monitoring, and reporting tool for PRC-005 assets
PRC-005: Schedule, perform, and track asset testing and maintenance to achieve total compliance. Included in Premium Package - also available as Stand Alone module.
Document Management
Organize, prepare, discuss, approve and publish official documents
The Document Management engine powering iComply consists of our iDOCS and Library components. Included in Basic and Premium Packages.
Communications Management
Organize Email conversations and automatically link to NERC Requirements
ComDOCS Communication Manager: track, save, and associate emails and messages to Standards as evidence. Included in Premium Package only.
FCC Compliance Solution Components
RF Safety Analysis Made Simple! Analyze rooftops, towers and antenna farms for exposure limits and compliance with governmental standards.
RF Records Management
Improve decisions and management effectiveness by storing site-specific information all in one easy-to-access database.